Alejandro Gomez Cangas
b. Villa Cara, 1986

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2012 - University of Arts, ISA. Specialty: Painting. Havana, Cuba.
2005 - Professional Academy "Leopoldo Romañach". Specialty: Painting. Villa Clara,
Solo shows
2019 - Estudios sobre la desobediencia (Studies on disobedience). Villa Manuela Art
Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2017 - A escala humana (Human scale) (With Niels Reyes). Galiano Art Gallery,
Havana, Cuba.
2017 - Plural. Enlace Contemporary Art Gallery, Lima, Peru.
2016 - Un día en la vida (A day in the life). South Border Gallery. Beirut, Lebanon.
2015 - Por el camino más largo (Taking the long way) (Collateral to the 12th Havana
Biennial). Riviera movie theater, Havana, Cuba.
2012 - Ideas inconclusas (Unfinished ideas). Carmelo González Art Gallery, Casa de la
Cultura de Plaza, Havana, Cuba.
2005 - Correo de familia (Family mail). Casa de la Ciudad de Santa Clara, Villa Clara,
2004 - Sonidos de la naturaleza (Sounds of nature). Casa de la Ciudad de Santa Clara,
Villa Clara, Cuba.
2003 - Homenaje a Guayasamín, Pintor de Iberoamérica (Homage to Guayasamín.
Painter of Latin-America). Casa de la Ciudad de Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
Group shows
2020 - Art Madrid'20. Galería de Cristal (Palacio de Cibeles), Madrid, Spain.
2019 - Un viaje de ida y vuelta (A round-trip). DA2 Domus Artium 2002, Salamanca,
2019 - Resonancia (Resonance) (Collateral to the 13th Havana Biennial). Galiano Art
Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2018 - Reincidentes (Repeaters). Fucina des Artistas, Havana, Cuba.
2017 - I come from everywhere and everywhere I go. Lois Lambert Gallery, Santa
Monica CA, USA.
2017 - Pipol. Artis 718 Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2016 - Torino - L'Havana: Anima Unica (Turin - Havana: One Soul). Art Gallery 37,
Turin, Italy.
2016 - Zoom in. Paratissima XII. Turin, Italy.
2015 - Tripolar. The Others Art Fair: Stay Gold. Former jail of Le Nuove, Turin, Italy.
2015 - Beirut Art Fair. ME.NA.SA.ART. Beirut, Lebanon.
2015 - Presente continuo (Continuous present). Servando Art Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2015 - Puntos culminantes (Ending points). Galerie Havana, Zurich, Switzerland.
2015 - 2009DERIVA2013 (2009 DERIVE2013) (Collateral to the 12th Havana Biennial).
Félix Varela Cultural Center, Havana, Cuba.
2014 - Nuevos bosquejos (New sketches). Galerie Havana, Zurich, Switzerland.
2014 - Hacerse el chino. Galerie Havana, Zurich, Switzerland.
2013 - AmArte. 10/10 Art Gallery, Mexico City.
2013 - 1st Biennial of the South, Panama 2013 "Assembling Worlds". Figali
Convention Center, Panama.
2012 - Senza confini (Borderless). Dogana exhibit hall, Palazzo Ducale in Genoa, Italy.
2012 - RGB. The Browse Gallery, Berlin, Germany.
2012 - Lo inédito viable (The feasible unpublished) (Collateral to the 11th Havana
Biennial). University of Arts, ISA, Havana, Cuba.
2011 - RGB. Guayasamín Museum, Havana, Cuba.
2011 - Bring me the horizon. ISA's Art Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2010 - Turn around. La Casona Art Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2010 - Fábrica de Arte Cubano (Cuban Art Factory). Pabexpo, Havana, Cuba.
2010 - Bomba (Bomb/Pump). Contemporary Art Center "Wifredo Lam", Havana, Cuba.
2009 - Gente (People). Gallery L, Havana, Cuba.
2009 - Art fair. Green Square, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2009 - Art fair. Strandgalleriet. Vejers Strand, Denmark.
2009 - Ars latina 2009 (73 artists from countries of Latin cultural background and
Romance language background from all over the world). Center for the Development of
the Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba.
2009 - Atemporal (Timeless). Center for the Development of the Visual Arts, Havana,
2009 - Art fair. Galleri Puls Art, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2009 - Cambio y fuera (Change, over) (Collateral to the 10th Havana Biennial). University
of Arts, ISA, Havana, Cuba.
2009 - Simulacros (Make believe) (Collateral to the 10th Havana Biennial). Martínez
Villena Hall, UNEAC, Havana, Cuba.
2008 - Si una noche de invierno un viajero... (If on a winter's night a traveler...) ISA's
Art Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2007 - 25 y uno quema'o (25 and one burnt). ISA's Art Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2005 - National salon of graduates. CENCREM, Havana, Cuba.
2006 - Mention, XXII Local Visual and Design Arts Salon. Villa Clara's Art Gallery, Cuba.
2004 - 2nd Award, Martí Salon. Abel Santamaría Museum, Villa Clara, Cuba.
2003 - Mention, Che, querida presencia Salon. Casa de la Ciudad de Santa Clara, Villa
Clara, Cuba.
Works by Alejandro Gómez Cangas may be found in private collections in Cuba, USA,
Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Brazil, England, Spain, France, Italy,
Denmark, Switzerland, Belgium and Lebanon.
Alejandro Gómez Cangas is member of UNEAC (Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba)
and Fondation Taylor in Paris (Association des Artistes).