Osmeivy Ortega
b. Havana, 1980
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2010-2005. Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) (Superior Art Institute), Havana, Cuba.
2009. The Royal Institute of Art (Kungliga Konsthögskolan), Stockholm, Sweden.
2003-1999. Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes San Alejandro (San Alejandro National Art Academy) Havana, Cuba.
Art Residencies
2019. Residency at Santa Fe College Art Faculty, Florida (FL), United States.
2017. Residency at Otahuhu College, Auckland, New Zealand.
2014. Residency at the Tamarind Institute, Albuquerque (NM), United States.
2013. Residency at Documenta, Kassel, Germany.
2012. Residency at the Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland (OH), United States.
2008-2010. Residency at Ludwig Foundation, Havana, Cuba.
Solo Exhibitions
2019. “Cuban Art. Lisandra Ramirez and Osmeivy Ortega”, The Studios of Key West, Key West (FL), United States.
2019. “The Land of Os III”, Salt Fine Art Gallery, Laguna Beach (CA), United States.
2019. “Las Islas que invento a diario”, Santa Fe College, Gainesville (FL), United States.
2019 “Portfolio Series”, Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA), Long Beach (CA), United States.
2017. “Two Rising Stars from Cuba”, North Art Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand.
2017. “Os Ortega”, Protocol Gallery, Gainesville (FL), United States.
2017. “The Land of Os II”, Salt Fine Art Gallery, Laguna Beach (CA), United States.
2016. “InKuba”, Michael and Noemi Neidoff Art Gallery, Trinity University, San Antonio (TX), United States.
2015. “La Tierra de Os”, Salt Fine Art Gallery, Laguna Beach (CA), United States.
2014. “Proyecto Inventario”, Ludwig Foundation, Havana, Cuba.
2013. “Contrapunteo”, Spanish Embassy, Havana, Cuba.
2013. “Con pocas palabras”, Servando Cabrera Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2013. “Proyecto Inventario”, Ludwig Foundation, Havana, Cuba.
2011. “Estudio abierto”, Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA), Cleveland (OH), United States.
2009. “Osmeivy Ortega”, Saint Francis of Assisi Convent, Havana, Cuba.
2008. “Proyecto Inventario”, Ludwig Foundation, Havana, Cuba.
2008. “Cuba, Isla Pintoresca”, Espacio Abierto Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2008. “Cobra”, Consejo Provincial de Artes Plásticas (Visual Arts Provincial Council), Cienfuegos, Cuba.
2008. “La palabra trascendente”, Sala Mateo Torriente, UNEAC, Cienfuegos, Cuba.
2007. “Del ocio al vicio”, Centro Provincial de Artes Plásticas y Diseño “Luz y Oficios” (Provincial Center for the Visuals Arts), Havana, Cuba.
2004. “Hacer las cosas como los blancos”. Asociación Yoruba de Cuba, Havana, Cuba.
2003. “Pa negro y pa blanco”. San Alejandro National Art Academy, Havana, Cuba.
Group Exhibitions
2020. "Isolation", Art Code Space, Virtual Exhibition.
2019. “Tiempo de matrices”, Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Center, Havana, Cuba.
2018. “Gracias”, Salt Fine Art Gallery, Laguna Beach (CA), United States.
2017. “Estampida”, Fábrica de Arte Cubano (FAC), Havana, Cuba.
2017. “82w/Six Degrees of Separation”, Thomas Center Galleries, Gainesville (FL), United Sates.
2016. “Lo Impropio”, Fabrica de Arte Cubano (FAC), Havana, Cuba.
2016. “(Art)xiomas”, Art Museum of the Americas (AMA), Washington DC, United States.
2015. “Lo original y lo múltiple”, Collateral to the 12 Havana Biennial, Casa de Mexico, Havana, Cuba.
2015. “(Art)xiomas”, Centro Cultural de España (CCE Miami), Miami (FL), USA.
2015. “Despedida”, Spain Embassy, Havana, Cuba.
2014. “Dime La Habana (Talk to me Havana)!”, Sanford Gallery at Zea Mays Printmaking, Florence (MA), United States.
2013. “Visitante”, Spain Embassy, Havana, Cuba.
2013. “Post It. Expoventa de Arte Contemporáneo Cubano”, Galiano Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2013 “Sangre”, itinerant exhibition along Brazil, Mexico and the United Kingdom.
2012. “En mala forma”. Collateral to the 11th Havana Biennial, Morro-Cabaña, Havana, Cuba.
2012. “Haciendo presión”. Collateral to the 11th Havana Biennial, Morro-Cabaña, Havana, Cuba.
2012. “Cuban Art”, Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland (MOCA), Cleveland (OH), United States.
2011. “Ni estamos todos los que somos”, Museo Universitarios de Ciencias y Arte Roma (MUCA ROMA), Mexico DF, Mexico.
2011. “Cuba Gold. Viva la Reproducción”, London Print Studio, London, United Kingdom.
2011. “Saber tirar y tirar bien”. Villa Manuela Gallery, UNEAC, Havana, Cuba.
2011. “Boomerang”, Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes San Alejandro, Havana, Cuba
2010. The 6th International Lithographic Symposium, Tidaholm, Sweden.
2010. “El extremo de la bala. una década de arte cubano”. Pabellón Cuba, Havana, Cuba.
2009. “La Joven Estampa”, Casa de las Américas, Havana, Cuba.
2008. “Impresiones 49”, II Feria de La Estampa, Cienfuegos, Cuba.
2007. “Puerta Trasera”, Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA), Havana, Cuba.
2007. “La Joven Estampa”, Casa de las Américas, Havana, Cuba.
2007. “Involucrados”, 23 y 12 Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2006. “La Huella Múltiple”, Collateral to the 9th Havana Biennial, Saint Francis of Assisi Convent, Havana, Cuba.
2006. “Muestra de profesores de San Alejandro”, Collateral to the 9th Havana Biennial, Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes San Alejandro. Havana, Cuba.
2006. “Primer encuentro de arte popular”, Ciego de Ávila, Havana, Cuba.
2006. “Muestra en el Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA)”, Collateral to the 9th Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba.
2004 “Inkluidos”, Taller Experimental de la Gráfica de la Catedral, Havana, Cuba.
2004. “Graficonducta”. ICAIC, Havana, Cuba.
2004. “VI Encuentro Nacional de Grabado”, Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Center, Havana, Cuba.
2003. “Salón 13 de marzo”, Galería L, University of Havana, Havana, Cuba.
2003. “Salón de pequeño Formato Fayad Jamis”, Galería L, University of Havana, Havana, Cuba.
2002. “Salón 13 de marzo”, Galería L, University of Havana, Havana, Cuba.
2001. “Académica 2001”, Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes San Alejandro, Havana, Cuba.
2001. “Wemilere”, Concha Ferrant Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2000. 6to Salón Flora 2000, Galería Flora. Havana, Cuba.
2000. “Pinos Nuevos en la ciudad”, Galería Casa Natal José Martí, Collateral to the 7th Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba.
1999. “La Habana en Cuerpo y Alma”, Galería de Arte, Matanzas, Cuba.
2016. First Prize. 9th National Printmakers Reunion, Havana, Cuba.
2013. Mention, 8th National Printmakers Reunion, Havana, Cuba.
2008. Mention, La Joven Estampa, International Engraving Biennial, Havana, Cuba.
2004. Special acknowledgment by the Tamarind Institute of the University of New Mexico, United States, at the 6th National Printmakers Reunion, Havana, Cuba.
2003. “Lo Africano en la Postmodernidad Salon” Award from Taller Experimental de la Gráfica, Wemilere Festival, Havana, Cuba.
2003. “Lo Africano en la Postmodernidad Salon” Award from Asociación Yoruba de Cuba, Wemilere Festival, Havana, Cuba
2003. “Lo Africano en la Postmodernidad Salon” Award from Centro Provincial de Artes Plásticas y Diseño Luz y Oficios, Wemilere Festival, Havana, Cuba.
2002. “13 de marzo Salon” Award from the University of Havana, Havana, Cuba.
2002. Nicolas Guillen Award at the “13 de marzo Salon”, Havana, Cuba.
Art Fairs
2019. Tokyo Art World, Tokyo, Japan.
2018. Spring Art Show, Barcelona, Spain.
2016. Art Miami, (Child Gallery Booth), Miami (FL), United States.
2015. Art Miami, (Child Gallery Booth), Miami (FL), United States.
Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA), Laguna Beach (CA), United States.
Pizzuti Collection, Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus (OH), United States.
Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland (MOCA), Cleveland (OH), United States.
Rockefeller Foundation, New York (NY), United States.
Trinity University, San Antonio (TX), United States.
Cassilhaus Collection, Durnhan (NC), United States.
Santa Fe College Foundation, Gainesville (FL), United States.
Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo, Gainesville (FL), United States.
AMBA Collection, Paris, France.
Black Stone Foundation, London, United Kingdom.
Otahuhu College, Auckland, New Zealand.
Fondo Cubano de Bienes Culturales (FCBC), Havana, Cuba.
The Cuban Arts Group, Tampa (FL), United States.